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Top 10 Mental Health Apps You Should Try !!!

Top 10 Mental Health Apps You Should Try !!! A lot of us are probably under a lot of stress, our mental health has a lot to deal with be it due to the uncertainty of recent times, job stress, family problems, or other hassles. While some have access to therapy, many fall under the category of people who don’t.  This could be due to time constraints, money constraints, or any other obstacle stopping us from dealing with our mental health. In light of this, here are 10 Mental Health Apps to help you out. These can’t replace therapy but it might just help you feel better. What’s Up What’s Up is a free app available on iOS and Android that helps you cope with anxiety, depression, stress, and more. It utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT).  Their “Get Grounded” page contains over 100 questions to narrow down what exactly you’re feeling. Another useful page is the “Thinking Patterns” page which helps you stop the habit of negative internal feed

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